Your Session

Your session is a collaboration between you and your higher self; it’s a road map for self-discovery. You will be given deep clarity so you can honor your gifts. Once you learn who you really are, you can start living more intentionally. Everyone has a life purpose and is here for a reason, especially at this time. Let’s find out what that is!

People often joke -I must have done that in a past life. Well, maybe you have… We all have had many many lives here on Earth and in other places. Any lessons that need to be learned are carried over from your past lives, until you learn them. People in your life now are from your past lives, which we call your soul family.

These karmic lessons need to be learned, which is why we came down to have a physical experience that we can’t have elsewhere. We are here to experience it all, and to feel it all.

If you are asking “Is this for me?” It is if you:

  • Want to know why things “keep happening” to you?
  • Run into the same patterns in your life that you can’t seem to break
  • Want to let go of limiting beliefs, thought patterns, or past trauma
  • Are at a cross road in your life – how to find yourself on the most profound level
  • Want to heal old hurts, and release the old pain
  • Have questions about your overall health, or chronic ailments
  • Are struggling with lack in any area – wealth, health, financial abundance, addiction
  • Keep attracting negative people and situations in your life
  • Have anxiety or other health issues
  • Want more from this life that you are currently living
  • Want guidance on your romantic relationships – or lack thereof
  • Have an open mind and are ready to accept the power within yourself

How to prepare for an amazing QHHT session

After scheduling your session, start having a clear and direct communication to your Higher Self. Say to yourself, “I have a clear and direct communication with my Higher Self.” Note the tense of this sentence, it’s not “I will have,” it's “I have.” Always state in the present tense, to allow the Law of Attraction to engage. Also:

  • Try to pay attention to your dreams before your appointment. Write them down. They
  • are messages for you and can help with your session.
  • If you do not already meditate, it's a good time to start. At the very least, give yourself quiet time daily to quiet your mind chatter.
  • Don’t drink alcoholic and caffeinated beverages before the session or the evening
  • before, if possible. If you are a regular morning coffee drinker, please don’t skip your
  • coffee, but keep it to a minimum before your session.
  • Light exercise prior to your appointment, like a long walk, is an excellent way to
  • prepare for a successful session. This is another good time to repeat your intention. We
  • want your body relaxed, but your mind quiet, alert and engaged.
Clear your day for the session if possible. It is generally not a good idea to have additional appointments after your regression, or activities that require a great deal of concentration. You should take it easy

We begin by talking about yourself, going over the process, and your questions. Then you get comfortable, relaxed and we begin the actual hypnotic regression. You will be guided through visualization techniques to cover these past lives. You are not awake at this point, but you may be aware. Just trust and repeat out loud what you hear. There will be a body scan to heal from head to toe. This will allow for natural healing for your pain or ailment and the knowing of what the body is trying to communicate with you.

Afterwards, we go over what was experienced and make sure you are awake and grounded. This entire process can take anywhere from 3 to 5 hours total, and occasionally even a little bit longer. I only take one session per day, so you will be given all the time you need.

You will wake up feeling refreshed and wonderful all over! You will remember your hypnosis session like a dream so it will be audio recorded, and emailed to you. You will leave knowing more about yourself and your life purpose.

QHHT work is truly amazing! It changes lives powerfully for the better. It brings about healing, validation and unearths answers we have always wondered about. Reviewing the recording after your session takes place as healing proceeds continuously.

Feel free to visit the Dolores Cannon website to learn even more about the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

Is this for me? Yes!

QHHT is for anyone who wants to know their life’s purpose, if you are on the right track, clear up issues with family/friends, and healing ailments of the psychical, mental and financial.

Upon scheduling your appointment, you will receive “How to prepare for your session”. Also prepare a list of 15-25 questions you would like answers to. Think big! We might not get to all of these questions, so please list them in order of importance.

Book your Healing Session Here!