I am Dianne

The year 2020 had many changes on us all. For me, it reignited my spiritual senses after buring them through out childhood. I grew up with many sicknesses– measles, chicken pox, pnumeonia, mono, appendectomy. I also healed myself twice, in this lifetime.


My Story



The year 2020 had many changes on us all. For me, it reignited my spiritual senses after burying them through out childhood. I grew up with many sicknesses– measles, chicken pox, pnumeonia, mono, appendectomy. I also healed myself twice, in this lifetime.

In 1st grade, 1974, I woke up one day and couldn’t walk. I overheard the doctors telling my parents it was MS and I would never walk again. I had no idea what that meant, but knew it wasn’t good. So I, prayed every night, as my Nana had taught me, to be able to walk again. I visualized myself on the school swing set, which was right across the street frommy childhood home. Every morning, I would jump out of bed hoping that day would be the big day. Nope, not today, I would think when I would fall onto the shag carpet. Except for one day, when I jumped out of bed and stood perfectly tall. And started walking. I will never forget the look om my mother’s face when I entered the kitchen. I got dressed and went to school, knowing all along that this would happen.


The second time was in my adulthood, I was a single mom and had a design business to run. Exhausted even after a 3 hour afternoon nap and lymph nodes bulging out of me, western medicine doctors were unable to identify the lyme disease that had become systemic. I gave up on them after 6 years of contradicting advice and avoiding a surgery that proposed to try. I went to an herbalist for 3 years that brought some relief. After he closed in 2020, I realized that I was on my own. The full healing came when I had a 143-day juice cleanse and then switched my diet to completely raw vegan foods. These changes have brought about a higher vibrational, more spiritual side of me.

I immediately knew that I wanted to be a QHHT practitioner when I first learned about it! As an intuitive, I can help you connect to the Higher Self within yourself. In training sessions and meditations, I have seen many of my own past lives. In one, I am a healer who is buried alive for it. (My brother was one of those shoveling the dirt on me) As in my past, I am here to help people heal themselves and learn what they need to know to move forward with intention.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) by Dolores Cannon

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